Dave is proud to have earned the trust of more than 100 community leaders, fellow law enforcement professionals, veterans, and engaged citizens who have offered their endorsements. Thank you for your support!
If you'd like to endorse Dave please click here.

Hon. Jason Isaac
Former Texas Representative
Longest serving representative from House District 45
"Dave Graham is the right choice for Hays County Constable. He has served our community admirably for years, and his experience leading large law enforcement units with significant budgets is exactly what Dripping Springs needs in this unique time of growth. I have no doubt he will use his wealth of expertise to lead with integrity and ensure a strong, safe Dripping Springs for years to come.""

Ron Jones
Former Vice President
Dripping Springs Independent School District Board of Trustees
"I can think of no one better qualified to be our next Constable. Dave Graham has experience in active shooter situations and has successfully led several high-profile units in Dallas including SWAT, Explosive Ordnance, and others. As our community grows, we need someone who has experience with the needs of a growing population; and who can proactively anticipate our needs for safety from day one.”

Dan Robison
Founder, North Hays Republican Group
Former Precinct Chair for Belterra
"Dave did a fantastic job patrolling Belterra; he went out of his way to meet people, and everyone knew who he was and that he could help in any situation. People felt good knowing he was around. Being able to interact with the public and be out there in a positive way is a huge part of being an effective elected official, and an effective Constable. Dave has my wholehearted support."
Walter Almon
Lisa Alpi
Charles and Elona Appleby
Jeff Aylstock
Robert Bartek
Paul and Jeri Belyea
Mark Bennett
Peter Berardino
Trey Bonner
Rich and Debbie Bozek
Jonathan Cobb
Nancy Cunningham
Irma Cusac
Adam Campbell-Taylor
Lisa and Michael Capps
Lynn Dawson
Tony and Doris Dettling
Phyllis Dindio
Dave Edwards
Peter and Janice Englehart
Ray and Ellen Frigo
Tyler and Lauren Garcia
Martin Garza
James Goatcher
Rick Goff
Art Gollwitzer
Patrick and Ann Gomes
Al and Jackie Gonzalez
Jill Hayes
J.P. Heatan
Matthew and Tara Heller
Tiffany Hollander
Stephanie Holtzendorf
Michael Hruska
David and Donna Inman
John Jankowski
Susan Jensen
Ron and Georgia Johnson
Don and Lisa Kelly
Patricia Kelly
Lijana Kulla
Matt Lagusis
Irma Martinez
Odilia McDonald
Jake Moore
Michelle Mostert
Jeff Narvaiz
Deb Niemeyer
Neil and Dawn Patterson
Michael Quirl
Mike Rastigue
Nancy Reinert
Dan and Patricia Robison
George Schuh
Brian Sjolseth
Larry Spector
Brenda Sowada
Christine Strain
Marie Sullivan
Katie Tahuahua
Dr. Chae Tracy
Mark and Becky Treadway
Paul Wilijen
Jimmy Winkler
Vala Withrow
Elected Officials
Ben Broughton
Hays County Republican
Precinct Chair PCT 344
Chris Byrd
State Republican Executive Committeeman, SD 25
Travis Crow
Dripping Springs City Council
Place 4
David Hawkins
Hays County Republican
Precinct Chair PCT 433
Jason Isaac
Former Texas state representative for House District 45
Ron Jones
Past member Dripping Springs Independent School District Board of Trustees
Naomi Narvaiz
State Republican Executive Committewoman, SD 25
Geoffrey Tahuahua
Dripping Springs City Council
Place 3
Ray Whisenant
Past Hays County Commissioner, PCT 4
Past member Dripping Springs Independent School District Board of Trustees
Doug Botts
Mike Dindio
Greg Hearne
Kim Holtzendorf
Roger Keats
John Koury
Terry O'Dell
John Pacheco
Suzanne Pacheco
Paul Sowada
Miguel Torres
Renee Valadez
Law Enforcement Officers
Current, former, or retired
Juan Contreras
Sgt, Bomb Squad, Dallas Police Dept.
Anthony Crawford
Lieutenant (ret.) Dallas Police Dept.
Scott Cusac
Mike Dwyer
Sergeant (ret.) New York Police Dept.
Janice Easterling
Deputy Chief (ret.) Dallas Police Dept.
David Franklin
Constable, Anderson County TX
Terry Garrett
Sheriff, Rockwall County TX
Ann Graham
Probation Officer (ret.) Dallas County Sheriff's Office
Bradley Graham
Michael Guerra
Lieutenant, Comal County Sheriff's Office
Bill Humphrey
Deputy Chief (ret.) Dallas Police Dept.
Lance Jensen
Roger Martin
Lieutenant (ret.) Dallas Police Dept.
Greg M Roberts Jr.
Deputy Sheriff (ret.) San Francisco County Sheriff's Office
Karen Sanchez
Probation Officer (ret.) San Francisco County Sheriff's Office
James Savage
Deputy Asst. Director (ret.), Office of Protective Research, U.S. Secret Service
Ronnie Strain
Lieutenant (ret.) Hays County Sheriff's Office
Ed Wade
Asst. Director, Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission
Scott Walton
Deputy Chief (ret.) Dallas Police Dept.
Tom Ward
Assistant Chief (ret.) Dallas Police Dept.
Charles Williams
Deputy Constable (ret.) Hays County PCT 4
Donnie Williamson
Austin Police Dept (ret.)